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Brewer's: Dragon

The Greek word drakon comes from a verb meaning “to see,” to “look at,” and more remotely “to watch” and “to flash.” The animal called a dragon is a winged crocodile with a serpent's tail…

Christina Rossetti: A Bird's-Eye View

A Bird's-Eye View'Croak, croak, croak,' Thus the Raven spoke, Perched on his crooked tree As hoarse as hoarse could be. Shun him and fear him, Lest the Bridegroom hear him; Scout him and rout…

Attack on Iraq

Operation Desert Fox and Operation Northern Watch by Borgna Brunner On Dec. 16, 1998, President Clinton announced, "Iraq has abused its final chance." Related Links Iraqi PrimerIraqSaddam…

Color Comes to CBS

by Marcus McGraw Who says that networks never broadcast anything new during the summer? After all, it was in June of 1951 that CBS made history by presenting an hour long program…

Amy Lowell: The Trout

The TroutNaughty little speckled trout, Can't I coax you to come out? Is it such great fun to play In the water every day?Do you pull the Naiads' hair Hiding in the lilies there? Do you hunt…

The Harlem Renaissance

Three writers and their contemporary counterparts by Jace Clayton   For many young Black writers and artists who gravitated to New York City's Harlem in the 1920s, the sudden interest…

Walt Whitman: Patroling Barnegat

Patroling BarnegatWild, wild the storm, and the sea high running, Steady the roar of the gale, with incessant undertone muttering, Shouts of demoniac laughter fitfully piercing and pealing,…

RN Nurse (M. Behling)

M. Behling, RN Tell us about your work -- what do you do? Assess patient's condition, administer drugs as directed, alert physicians of any changes in the medical…

Some Facts about Eclipses

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Anaxagoras, in the 5th century B.C., is credited as the first to figure out the true cause of a lunar eclipse, but his…