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(Encyclopedia) war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of compelling the defeated…

The Wings of the Dove

Director: Iain Softley Writer: Hossein Amini Director of Photography: Eduardo Serra Editor: Tariq Anwar Music: Ed Shearmur Production Designer: John Beard Producers…

Sun Tzu on the Art of War: Waging War [1]

Laying Plans [1] Attack by Stratagem Waging War [1] Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as many heavy chariots, and a…

Elián and the Cold War

Elián González, a young Cuban boy found clinging to an inner tube off the Florida coast in Nov. 1999, became the subject of an international dispute between the U.S. and Cuba. The boy's…

The Celtic Twilight: War

by W. B. Yeats A Remonstrance with Scotsmen f...The Queen and the FoolWar When there was a rumour of war with France a while ago, I met a poor Sligo woman, a soldier's widow, that I know…

The Devil's Dictionary: War

by Ambrose Bierce WALL STREETWASHINGTONIANWAR -n. A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international amity. The student of history who…

Strike Against War

by Helen Keller To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends, the editors, and others who are moved to pity me. Some people are grieved because they imagine I am in the hands…

Classical Mythology: To War!

To War!Classical MythologyAchilles: The Angry Young HeroDon't Try This at Home!To War!The Final Battles With Phoenix's help, Odysseus persuaded Achilles to help the Greek cause even though he had…

A Meditation in Time of War

A Meditation in Time of WarFor one throb of the Artery, While on that old grey stone I sat Under the old wind-broken tree, I knew that One is animate Mankind inanimate fantasy.