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20,000-Meter Walk

1956 Leonid Spirin, USSR 1:31:27.40 1960 Vladimir Golubnichy, USSR 1:34:07.20 1964…

50,000-Meter Walk

1932 Thomas W. Green, Great Britain 4:50:10.00 1936 Harold Whitlock, Great Britain 4:30:41.10…

Sentence Agreement: Walk This Way

Walk This WaySentence AgreementIntroductionCollective NounsIndefinite PronounsWalk This WayAgree to Disagree Now you know the main rules of agreement, so the rest of this business must be a piece…


(Encyclopedia) Hercules'-club, common name for several small, thorny trees, chiefly the devil's-walking-stick of the family Aralaceae (ginseng family) and the prickly ash of the family Rutaceae (…


(Encyclopedia) Shelbyville. 1 City (1990 pop. 15,336), seat of Shelby co., central Ind., in a rich corn and livestock area; platted 1822, inc. as a city 1860. A farm-trade center, it manufactures…

Gallatin, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Gallatin, city (2020 pop. 44,431), seat of Sumner co., N central Tenn., near Nashville; inc. 1815. It is a livestock and agricultural…


(Encyclopedia) clubfoot or talipesclubfoottălˈəpēzˌ [key], deformity in which the foot is twisted out of position. Maldevelopment is usually congenital, although it can result from injury or disease…

Stat Abstract: A Walk on the Wild Side

by Borgna Brunner Since 1878 the U.S. government has published The Statistical Abstract of the United States, an annual compendium of facts and figures covering demographics, vital statistics,…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Devil's Walk

by Percy Bysshe Shelley SonnetFragment of a SonnetThe Devil's Walk A BALLAD. Published as a broadside by Shelley, 1812. 1. Once, early in the morning, Beelzebub arose, With care his…

Brewer's: Walk through One's Part

(To). A theatrical phrase, meaning to repeat one's part at rehearsal verbally, but without dressing for it or acting it. To do anything appointed you…