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Brewer's: Dobby's Walk

The goblin's haunt or beat. Dobby is an archaic word for a goblin or brownie. (See Washington Irving's Bracebridge Hall, ii. 183-6.) Dobby also means an imbecile old man. “The Dobby's walk…

Brewer's: Duke's Walk

To meet one in the Duke's Walk. An invitation to fight a duel. In the vicinity of Holyrood House is a place called the Duke's Walk, from being the favourite promenade of the Duke of York,…

Brewer's: Walk Chalks

An ordeal used on board ship as a test of drunkenness. Two parallel lines being chalked on the deck, the supposed delinquent must walk between them…

Brewer's: Walk the Plank

(To). (See Plank.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Walk through One's PartWalk not in the Public Ways A B C D E F…

Brewer's: Walk Spanish

To make a man walk Spanish is to give him the sack; to give him his discharge. In 1885 one of the retired captains in the Trinity House Establishment…

Brewer's: Walking Gentleman

(A), in theatrical parlance, means one who has little or nothing to say, but is expected to deport himself as a gentleman when before the lights…

Brewer's: Walking Sword

(A). A short, light sword, when long swords wielded by two hands were in use. (See Sir W. Scott's Abbot, chap. xx.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Birdcage Walk

(St. James's Park, London); so called from an aviary. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Birmingham PoetBird's-eye View A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: Cock of the Walk

The dominant bully or master spirit. The place where barn-door fowls are fed is called the walk, and if there is more than one cock they will fight for the supremacy of this domain.…

50-kilometer Walk

50-kilometer Walk Find the Olympic gold-medal times for the men's 50km walking race from 1932 to the present. Year Time Record1932 Thomas Green, GBR 4:50:10 1936 Harold Whitlock,…