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Notable Staffed Space Flights

Here is a table of staffed space flights including the names of astronauts, duration of the flights, and launch dates. Designation and country Date Astronauts Flight time Remarks…

Queen Elizabeth II: Reign and Life

Top of Page Source: iStockHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21st, 1926, and died on September 8th, 2022, aged 96. This marks the end of the longest-reigning British monarch and the…

Peter Pan: Do You Believe in Fairies?

The Children are Carried off The Pirate Ship Do You Believe in Fairies? The more quickly this horror is disposed of the better. The first to emerge from his tree was Curly. He rose…

King Charles III of England

Top of Page Source: AP Images/Dan KitwoodThe Queen is dead, long live the King. This phrase has been used for centuries to signify the unbroken continuation of the British Monarchy. The death of…

Notable Modern Bridges

Here is information about modern bridges around the world, with their length and date of completion. Types of bridges include suspension, cantilever, steel arch, cable-…

Down the Pacific Slope

Chapter 14 Chapter 16 Down the Pacific Slope The early days of October were spent in making preparations for the descent of the river,--the Kooskooskee. Here they made their…

Lewis & Clark: Down the Pacific Slope

by NoahBrooks Across the Great DivideDown the Columbia to TidewaterDown the Pacific Slope The early days of October were spent in making preparations for the descent…


(Encyclopedia) architecture, the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to furnish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing…