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The History of Skyscrapers

A race to the top by Karen Barss The Chrysler Building, in New York City, once the tallest building in the world The John Hancock Tower, in Boston, Massachusetts Skyscrapers &…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 29, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 28, 1806April 30, 1806April 29, 1806 Tuesday April 29th 1806. This morning Yellept furnished us with two canoes and we began to transport…

Queen Elizabeth II's Death...and Telling the Bees

Top of Page Source: iStockAfter the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s late monarch, several processes were put into motion. Once her passing at Scotland’s Balmoral Castle was announced at 6:31 p…

Brewer's: Roc

A fabulous white bird of enormous size, and such strength that it can “truss elephants in its talons,” and carry them to its mountain nest, where it devours them. (Arabian Nights; The…

Brewer's: Karrows

A set of gamblers in Ireland, who played away even the clothes on their backs. “The karrows plafe awaie mantle and all to the bare skin, and then trusse themselves in straw or leaves. They…