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Science News: Curiosity's Mission to Mars

The NASA rover is looking for signs of life on the Red Planet by Catherine McNiff Curiosity at Gale Crater on Mars where the first scoop sampling occurred. Source…

Six Nations Make Their Winter Olympic Debut

East Timor, Malta, Paraguay, Togo, Tonga and Zimbabwe compete in the Winter Olympics for the first time. Related Links 2014 Winter Olympics Memorable Olympic Moments Birth of…

Brewer's: Changeling

(2 syl.) A peevish, sickly child. The notion used to be that the fairies took a healthy child, and left in its place one of their starveling elves which never did kindly Oh, that it could…

Brewer's: Africa

Teneo te, Africa (I take possession of thee, O Africa)When Cæsar landed at Adrumetum, in Africa, he tripped and fell—a bad omen; but, with wonderful presence of mind, he pretended…

Brewer's: Ass's Bridge

(The). Prop. 5, book i. of Euclid. This is the first difficult proposition in geometry, and stupid boys rarely get over it the first time without tripping. It is the ass's pitfall, not his…

Brewer's: Estramaçon

(French). A blow or cut with a sword, hence also “estramaçonner,” to play at backsword. Sir Walter Scott uses the word in the sense of a feint or pretended cut. Hence Sir Jeffrey Hudson,…

10 Best Outdoor Activities to Do With Your Kids

Source: iStockIt can be difficult to keep kids engaged in activities outdoors while still maintaining their interest. Kids today are incredibly engrossed in playing games or watching videos on…