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Brewer's: Slander, Offence

Slander is a stumbling-block or something which trips a person up (Greek, skandalon, through the French esclandre). Offence is the striking of our foot against a stone (Latin, ob fendo, as…

Geometry: When Is a Parallelogram a Square?

When Is a Parallelogram a Square?GeometryProofs About QuadrilateralsWhen Is a Quadrilateral a Parallelogram?When Is a Parallelogram a Rectangle?When Is a Parallelogram a Rhombus?When Is a…

Chemistry: Succeeding Where Others Have Failed

Succeeding Where Others Have FailedChemistryWhy Study Chemistry?Why Do We Need Chemistry?What Have I Gotten Myself Into?This Stuff Is Really Fun!Who Invented Chemistry?Succeeding Where Others Have…

Six Nations Make Their Winter Olympic Debut

East Timor, Malta, Paraguay, Togo, Tonga and Zimbabwe compete in the Winter Olympics for the first time. Related Links 2014 Winter Olympics Memorable Olympic Moments Birth of…

Brewer's: Africa

Teneo te, Africa (I take possession of thee, O Africa)When Cæsar landed at Adrumetum, in Africa, he tripped and fell—a bad omen; but, with wonderful presence of mind, he pretended…

Our Date to Inaugurate

When Jan. 20 falls on a Sunday, which is the case in 2013, the president is inaugurated in a private ceremony on Jan. 20, and a public inauguration follows on Jan. 21. Related Links…

Private Planes: Learjet 23

Brainchild of a tinkerer by David Noland Learjet 23 Specs Length: 43 ft, 3 in. Wingspan: 35 ft, 8 in. Empty weight: 6550 lbs Max takeoff…