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(Encyclopedia) amateur, in sports, one who engages in athletic competition without material recompense. Upper-class Englishmen in the 19th cent. used the concept to help define their social status,…

Constitution, ship

(Encyclopedia) Constitution, U.S. 44-gun frigate, nicknamed Old Ironsides. It is perhaps the most famous vessel in the history of the U.S. navy. Authorized by Congress in 1794, the ship was launched…

Friel, Brian

(Encyclopedia) Friel, BrianFriel, Brianfrēl [key], 1929–2015, Irish playwright, b. Killyglogher, Northern Ireland. Treating themes that enmesh both Irelands, he became the most acclaimed Irish…

Gates, Horatio

(Encyclopedia) Gates, Horatio, c.1727–1806, American Revolutionary general, b. Maldon, Essex, England. Entering the British army at an early age, he fought in America in the French and Indian War and…

temporary worker

(Encyclopedia) temporary worker, an employee, hired through a specialized employment agency, who generally works less than a year on one assignment, regardless of the number of hours worked per week…

Beck, Aaron Tempkin

(Encyclopedia) Beck, Aaron Tempkin, 1921-2021, American psychiatrist, b. Providence, R.I., Brown Univ. (B.A., 1942), Yale Univ. (M.D., 1946).…

Washington, Denzel

(Encyclopedia) Washington, Denzel (Denzel Hayes Washington Jr.), 1954- , African-American actor, b. Mount Vernon, N.Y., Fordham Univ. (B.A., 1977).…

Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-

(Encyclopedia) Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-äˈb&oomacr; m&oomacr;säb äl-zärkäˈwē [key], nom de guerre of Ahmad Fadhil Nazzar al-Khalaylah, 1966–2006, Islamic terrorist leader,…

Zawahiri, Ayman al-

(Encyclopedia) Zawahiri or Zawahri, Ayman al-Zawahiri or Zawahri, Ayman al-both: īˈmän äl-zäwäˈrē [key], 1951–, militant Egyptian Islamist. A surgeon by education and training, he became involved…

Stanislavsky, Constantin

(Encyclopedia) Stanislavsky, ConstantinStanislavsky, Constantinkənstəntyēnˈ stənyĭsläfˈskē [key], 1863–1938, Russian theatrical director, teacher, and actor, whose original name was Constantin…