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Drew, John

(Encyclopedia) Drew, John, 1827–62, American actor, b. Dublin. After establishing a reputation as a comedian in the 1840s, he devoted his energies to the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, where he…

Kirov Ballet

(Encyclopedia) Kirov Ballet, one of the two major ballet companies of Russia, the other being the Bolshoi Ballet. In 1991 it was officially renamed the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Ballet; however, on…

Kabila, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Kabila, JosephKabila, Josephkäbēˈlä [key], 1971–, Congolese political leader, eldest son of Laurent Kabila. He was educated in Tanzania while his father was in exile there, and after…


(Encyclopedia) legion, large unit of the Roman army. It came into prominence c.400 b.c. It originally consisted of 3,000 to 4,000 men drawn into eight ranks: the first six ranks, called hoplites,…

Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st BaronFisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baronärbŭthˈnət [key], 1841–1920, British admiral. Entering the navy in 1854, he specialized in gunnery and…

Black, Timuel Dixon, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Black, Timuel Dixon, Jr., 1918-2021, American social activist and community organizer, b. Birmingham, Al., Roosevelt Univ. (B.A.,…

Strategic Air Command

(Encyclopedia) Strategic Air Command (SAC), former command of the U.S. air force (see Air Force, United States Department of the) charged with organizing, training, equipping, administering, and…

Billings, John Shaw

(Encyclopedia) Billings, John Shaw, 1838–1913, American surgeon and librarian, b. Indiana. In the Civil War he was medical inspector of the Army of the Potomac. After the war he was given charge of…

Verrocchio, Andrea del

(Encyclopedia) Verrocchio, Andrea delVerrocchio, Andrea deländrĕˈä dĕl vār-rôkˈkyō [key], 1435–88, Florentine sculptor and painter, whose real name was Andrea di Michele di Francesco di Cioni. He was…

unemployment insurance

(Encyclopedia) unemployment insurance, insurance against loss of wages during the time that an able-bodied worker is involuntarily unemployed. The goal of such insurance is to provide a minimal…