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Women's Suffrage: Index

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler Chronological Record of the Wi...IndexAbbott, Rev. Lyman, 126Abolitionists. See Anti-SlaveryAcklen, Col. Joseph H., 424Acts of…

Notable Female Reformers and Activists

Abbott - Crandell | Davies - King | La Flesche - Sanger | Seton - Wright Mary Church Terrell Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes…


Chronological Record of the Wi... Index Abbott, Rev. Lyman, 126 Abolitionists. See Anti-Slavery Acklen, Col. Joseph H., 424 Acts of Reconstruction, 228 Adams, Abigail, 9 Adams, John…

Lucy Hayes

Lucy Ware Webb Hayes was married to President Rutherford B. Hayes and was First Lady of the United States from 1877 to 1881. Lucy grew up in Ohio, graduated from Wesleyan Female College at the age…

Women's Suffrage: The Fighting Forces

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler The Crises of 1916The Decisive BattleThe Fighting ForcesIn the struggle from which the final woman suffrage victory was now about to emerge…

Jack LaLanne Biography

Fitness GuruBorn: 9/26/14Birthplace: San Francisco, CA A self-proclaimed junk food addict and sugarholic whose early life was plagued by headaches, bulimia, and a…


(Encyclopedia) Evanston. <1> Residential city (2020 pop. 78,110), Cook co., NE Ill., on Lake Michigan; settled 1826, inc. 1892. A largely…

Mott, Lucretia Coffin

(Encyclopedia) Mott, Lucretia Coffin, 1793–1880, American feminist and reformer, b. Nantucket, Mass. She moved (1804) with her family to Boston and later (1809) to Philadelphia. A Quaker, she studied…

Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner was a U.S. senator from Massachusetts (1851-74) who was active in the movement to abolish slavery and to give equal rights to Black Americans before and after the Civil War. Yet he's…

Brewer's: Drunk as a fiddler.

The reference is to the fiddler at wakes, fairs, and on board ship, who used to be paid in liquor for playing to rustic dancers. Drunk as a lord. Before the great temperance movement set…