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Chillingworth, William

(Encyclopedia) Chillingworth, William, 1602–44, English theologian. He was converted to Roman Catholicism and in 1630 went to Douai to study. Under the influence of his godfather, William Laud, he…


(Encyclopedia) ReubenReubenr&oomacr;ˈbən [key], in the Bible, Jacob's eldest son and eponymous ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. He interceded for his brother Joseph's life and…

Good Agricultural Practices

(Encyclopedia) Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), economically, socially, and environmentally responsible methods and technologies for the raising and marketing of agricultural and horticultural…

Haldane, John Scott

(Encyclopedia) Haldane, John Scott, 1860–1936, British scientist, b. Edinburgh; father of John Burdon Sanderson Haldane. He made many important contributions to mine safety, investigating principally…


(Encyclopedia) match, small stick whose chemically coated tip bursts into flame when struck on a rough surface. Before the introduction of the match, fire was made by friction methods using the stick…


(Encyclopedia) Enewetak,&sp;Enewetok, or EniwetokEnewetak,ĕnĭwēˈtŏk, ĕnēˈwĕtôk [key], circular atoll, central Pacific, one of the Ralik Chain in the Marshall Islands. Enewetak is c.50 mi (80 km)…

Bernstein, Walter

(Encyclopedia) Bernstein, Walter, 1919-2021, American screenwriter, b. Brooklyn, NY, Dartmouth College (BA, 1940). After attending high school,…

Widukind, Saxon leader

(Encyclopedia) WidukindWidukindwĭdˈ&oomacr;kĭnd [key] or WittekindWidukindwĭtˈə– [key], d. 807?, leader of the Saxons against the Frankish king Charlemagne (later emperor of the West). In 782,…

Still, William

(Encyclopedia) Still, William, 1821–1902, American abolitionist, b. Burlington co., N.J. After he moved to Philadelphia (1844), he began working for the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society (1847) and…