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Food-Borne Diseases: Listeria

ListeriaFood-Borne DiseasesIntroductionE. coli 0157:H7CamphylobacterSalmonellaShigellaListeriaTrichinosis Doctors and epidemiologists often overlook Listeria, another food-borne bacterium, as a…

HIV/AIDS: The Birth of a Disease

The Birth of a DiseaseHIV/AIDSIntroductionThe Birth of a DiseaseFrom Epidemic to PandemicWhere Did HIV Come From?Diagnosis & Anti-HIV TherapyVaccination & Natural ResistanceLessons Learned…

Eating Disorders: Treatment

A team approach offers best chance of success Related Links Eating Disorders: An Overview The Eating Disordered Athlete Eating Disorders: Profile of a Sufferer…

Brewer's: Charles and the Oak

When Charles II. fled from the Parliamentary army, he took refuge in Boscobel House; but when he deemed it no longer safe to remain there, he concealed himself in an oak. Dr. Stukeley says…

Brewer's: Davy Jones's Locker

He's gone to Davy Jones's locker, i.e. he is dead. Jones is a corruption of Jonah, the prophet, who was thrown into the sea. Locker, in seaman's phrase, means any receptacle for private…

Brewer's: Close as a Clam

A clam is a bivalve mollusca, which burrows in sand or mud. It is about the size of a florin, and may be eaten raw or fried like an oyster. Clams are gathered only when the tide is out.…

Brewer's: Spitting for Luck

Boys often spit on a piece of money given to them for luck. Boxers spit upon their hands for luck Fishwomen not unfrequently spit upon their hansel (i.e. the first money they take) for…

Brewer's: Tiresias

Blind as Tiresias. Tiresias the Theban by accident saw Athena bathing, and the goddess struck him with blindness by splashing water in his face. She afterwards repented doing so, and, as…

Brewer's: Ralph

or Ralpho. The squire of Hudibras. The model was Isaac Robinson, a zealous butcher in Moorfields, always contriving some queer art of church government. He represents the Independent party…

Brewer's: Satan's Journey to Earth

(Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 418 to the end). He starts from Hell, and wanders a long time about the confines of the Universe, where he sees Chaos and Limbo. The Universe is a vast…