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Rafsanjani, Hashemi

(Encyclopedia) Rafsanjani, Hashemi (Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)Rafsanjani, Hashemiälēˈ äkˈbär häshˈəmē räfˌsänjänˈē [key], 1934–2017, Iranian religious and political leader, president of Iran (1989…

Shan State

(Encyclopedia) Shan StateShan Stateshän [key], state (1983 pop. 3,718,706), c.60,000 sq mi (155,400 sq km), E central Myanmar. Taunggyi, the capital, and Lashio are its principal cities. It borders…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Pulleys: The mechanical advantage (MA) of a system of pulleys is equal to the number of supporting strands: in A MA=1 and in B MA=2. pulley, simple machine consisting of a…

sea star

(Encyclopedia) sea star, also called starfish, echinoderm of the class Asteroidae, common in tide pools. Sea stars vary in size from under 1&fslsh;2 in. (1.3 cm) to over 3 ft (90 cm) in diameter…


(Encyclopedia) LiechtensteinLiechtensteinlĭkhˈtənshtīnˌ [key], officially Principality of Liechtenstein, principality (2015 est. pop. 37,000), 62 sq mi (160 sq km), W central Europe. It is situated…


(Encyclopedia) EuphratesEuphratesy&oomacr;frāˈtēz [key], Turkish Frat, Arabic Al Furat, river of SW Asia, c.1,700 mi (2,740 km) long, formed by the confluence of the Kara and the Murad rivers, E…

Hindenburg, Paul von

(Encyclopedia) Hindenburg, Paul vonHindenburg, Paul vonhĭnˈdənbûrg, Ger. poul fən hĭnˈdənb&oobreve;rk [key], 1847–1934, German field marshal and president (1925–34), b. Poznan (then in Prussia).…

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

(Encyclopedia) Clinton, Hillary RodhamClinton, Hillary Rodhamrŏdˈəm [key], 1947–, U.S. senator and secretary of state, wife of President Bill Clinton, b. Chicago, grad. Wellesley College (B.A. 1969…

Bhutto, Benazir

(Encyclopedia) Bhutto, BenazirBhutto, Benazirbĕnˌəzĭrˈ b&oomacr;ˈtō [key], 1953–2007, prime minister of Pakistan (1988–90; 1993–96), daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Educated at Radcliffe and…