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universal time

(Encyclopedia) universal time (UT), the international time standard common to every place in the world, it nominally reflects the mean solar time along the earth's prime meridian (renumbered to…

Yushchenko, Viktor Andriyovych

(Encyclopedia) Yushchenko, Viktor Andriyovych,, 1954–, Ukrainian politician, president of Ukraine (2005–10), b. Khoruzhivka, Ukraine. A technocrat trained as an accountant and economist, he rose in…

West Florida Controversy

(Encyclopedia) West Florida Controversy, conflict between Spain and the United States concerning possession of Florida. By the Treaty of Paris of 1763, Britain received Florida from Spain, and from…

Yanukovych, Viktor Fedorovych

(Encyclopedia) Yanukovych, Viktor FedorovychYanukovych, Viktor Fedorovychvēkˈtôr fĕdˈərōvĭch yän&oomacr;kōˈvĭch [key], 1950–, Ukrainian politician, president of Ukraine (2010–14). The graduate of…

Murakami, Haruki

(Encyclopedia) Murakami, HarukiMurakami, Harukihär&oomacr;ˈkē m&oobreve;rˌäkäˈmē [key], 1949–, Japanese novelist. He lived in Europe and the United States from 1986 to 1995. Widely considered…

Musharraf, Pervez

(Encyclopedia) Musharraf, Pervez Musharraf, Pervez pĕrvāsˈ m&oomacr;shärˈrŭf [key…

Morgenthau, Robert Morris

(Encyclopedia) Morgenthau, Robert Morris, , 1919-2009, b. New York, N.Y, Amherst College (B.A., 1941); Yale Univ. Law School (J.D., 1948). He was the…

Maliki, Nuri Kamal al-

(Encyclopedia) Maliki, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, Nuri Kamal al-n&oomacr;rˈē kämälˈ äl-mälˈĭkē [key], 1950–, Iraqi political leader. A Shiite who worked as an education official in Hilla, he was a…

Le Châtelier's principle

(Encyclopedia) Le Châtelier's principle, chemical principle that states that if a system in equilibrium is disturbed by changes in determining factors, such as temperature, pressure, and…


(Encyclopedia) hare, name for certain herbivorous mammals of the family Leporidae, which also includes the rabbit and pika. The name is applied especially to species of the genus Lepus, sometimes…