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PREFACE.   SERMON. Psalm CXLIV: 12.- “That our daughters may be as corner-stones.“ Last Sunday, I spoke of the Domestic Function of Woman-what she may do for the higher development of the…


VacationEveryone was glad of a holiday next morning, and all lingered over the breakfast-table, till Mrs Jo suddenly exclaimed:“Why, there's a dog!” And on the threshold of the door appeared…

The Fundamental Principle of a Republic

by Anna Howard Shaw Shaw delivered this speech during the 1915 New York State equal suffrage campaign at a fully packed City Opera House in Ogdenburg on the evening of June 21. The…

Zimbabwe Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note ZimbabweRainbow forms over water at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, March 23, 1997. [© AP Images]PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME:Republic of ZimbabweGeographyArea: 390,580…