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A Caveat Against Injustice

or, An Inquiry into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of ExchangeRoger Sherman1752WHEREIN is considered, whether the Bills of Credit on the Neighboring Governments, are a legal Tender in…

Women's Suffrage: The Averted Triumph

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler How the Woman Suffrage Movement BeganThat Adjective Male 1866 The Averted Triumph 1848-1860It was not until 1848 that the compact, made…

From the Tetons to the Mandans

Chapter 4 Chapter 6 From the Tetons to the Mandans "On the morning of September 25th," says the journal, "we raised a flagstaff and an awning, under which we assembled, with all…

Mary Queen of Scots

(Encyclopedia) Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), 1542–87, only child of James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise. Through her grandmother Margaret Tudor, Mary had the strongest claim to the throne of…

Daisy's Ball

Daisy's Ball"Mrs. Shakespeare Smith would like to have Mr. John Brooke, Mr. Thomas Bangs, and Mr. Nathaniel Blake to come to her ball at three o'clock today. "P.S. Nat must bring his fiddle,…

Tales from Shakespeare: Macbeth

Macbeth When Duncan the Meek reigned King of Scotland there lived a great thane, or lord, called Macbeth. This Macbeth was a near kinsman to the king, and in great esteem at court for his…