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Andrew Marvell: Daphnis and Chloe

Daphnis and Chloe Daphnis must from Chloe part: Now is come the dismal Hour That must all his Hopes devour, All his Labour, all his Art. Nature, her own Sexes foe, Long had taught her to be…

Passover: Feast Without the Yeast

Why are some foods kosher and others not? Passover Dates (from sundown to sundown of the following dates) 2020: April 92021: March 282022: April 162023: April 62024: April 232025: April…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 19, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 18, 1806April 20, 1806April 19, 1806 Saturday Aprl. 19th 1806. This morning early we had our small canoes drawn out, and employed all hands…

Brewer's: Blow

(To). As the wind blows; or to blow with the breath. (Anglo-Saxon, blawan, to blow or breathe.) It will soon blow over. It will soon be no longer talked about; it will soon come to an end…

Brewer's: Magic Rings

This superstition arose from the belief that magicians had the power of imprisoning demons in rings. The power was supposed to prevail in Asia, and subsequently in Salamanca, Toledo, and…

The Celtic Twilight: The Sorcerers

by W. B. Yeats An Enduring HeartThe DevilThe Sorcerers In Ireland we hear but little of the darker powers,[FN#4] and come across any who have seen them even more rarely, for the…

Anne Bradstreet: Middle Age

Middle Age Childhood and youth forgot, sometimes I've seen, And now am grown more staid that have been green, What they have done, the same was done by me: As was their praise, or shame, so…