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Guide to Spelling: Hooked on Phonics: See and Say

See and SayGuide to Spelling: Hooked on PhonicsIntroductionIf U Cn Reed This …Quick and Dirty Tricks of the TradeAttaching Prefixes and Suffixes: Bits and PiecesContractions: Suck It InFollow the…

Fourth of July Quotes

    Founders' Wisdom: quotations from signers of the Declaration of Independence Compiled by Elizabeth Olson   We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created…

Leap Year 101

Why and when we have leap years Rules for Determining a Leap Year 1. Most years that can be divided evenly by 4 are leap years. (For example, 2016 divided by 4 = 504: Leap year!) 2. Exception:…

Brewer's: Worthies

(The Nine). (See Nine.) The Nine Worthies of London. (1) Sir William Walworth, fishmonger, who stabbed Wat Tyler, the rebel. Sir William was…

Guide to Spelling: Hooked on Phonics: Introduction

IntroductionGuide to Spelling: Hooked on PhonicsIntroductionIf U Cn Reed This …Quick and Dirty Tricks of the TradeAttaching Prefixes and Suffixes: Bits and PiecesContractions: Suck It InFollow the…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - E

EA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z efficiency The ratio of work done or energy developed by a machine or engine, to the energy supplied to it. electrochemical Describes any…

What to Look for When Revising

  When editing, make sure to pay careful attention to: Substance | Structure | Interest | Proofreading Substance Substance refers to the content of…

Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Coal Miners

by MaryHarris This, my friends, marks, in my estimation, the most remarkable move ever made in the State of West Virginia. It is a day that will mark history in the long ages to come.…