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Brewer's: Relief

(The). In fortification, the general height to which the defensive masses of earth are raised. The directions in which the masses are laid out are called the tracings. Source: Dictionary…


(Encyclopedia) relief, in sculpture, three-dimensional projection from a flat background. In alto-relievo, or high relief, the protrusion is great; basso-relievo, or bas-relief, protrudes only…

Brewer's: Catholic Relief

(See Catholic Association.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Catholic RentCatholic Majesty A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W…

Petition for Relief from Taxation

Submmitted by and for Former Slaves of Dartmouth, MassachusettsPaul CuffeAbstractPaul Cuffe was born a free child in 1759, on Chuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts, the son of a Native American…

poor law

(Encyclopedia) poor law, in English history, legislation relating to public assistance for the poor. Early measures to relieve pauperism were usually designed to suppress vagrancy and begging. In…

Don't Become a Victim of Hurricane Relief Fraud

By Patrick Craven I know you have seen the all the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey that hit Texas, Louisiana and other states. Harvey has broken all US records when it comes to rainfall,…

Kellogg, Vernon Lyman

(Encyclopedia) Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, 1867–1937, American zoologist, b. Emporia, Kans., B.A. Univ. of Kansas, 1889. He was professor (1894–1920) of entomology at Stanford Univ. He served (1915–16) as…


(Encyclopedia) embossing, process of producing upon various materials designs or patterns in relief by mechanical means. The material is pressed between a pair of dies especially adapted to its…


(Encyclopedia) CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere), nonprofit, nonsectarian federation of agencies devoted to channeling relief and self-help materials to needy people in foreign…