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(Encyclopedia) topographytopographytəpŏgˈrəfē [key], description or representation of the features and configuration of land surfaces. Topographic maps use symbols and coloring, with particular…


(Encyclopedia) intagliointaglioĭntălˈyō, –tälˈ– [key], design cut into stone or other material or etched or engraved in a metal plate, producing a concave, instead of a convex, effect. It is the…


(Encyclopedia) repoussérepoussérəp&oomacr;sāˈ [key], the process or the product of ornamenting metallic surfaces with designs in relief hammered out from the back by hand. Gold and silver are…


(Encyclopedia) UNRRA: see United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.


(Encyclopedia) contour or contour line, line on a topographic map connecting points of equal elevation above or below mean sea level. It is thus a kind of isopleth, or line of equal quantity. Contour…

Hopkins, Harry Lloyd

(Encyclopedia) Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 1890–1946, American public official, b. Sioux City, Iowa. A social worker, he was appointed (1931) head of New York's Temporary Emergency Relief Administration by…

Jessup, Philip Caryl

(Encyclopedia) Jessup, Philip Caryl, 1897–1986, American authority on international law, b. New York City, grad. Hamilton College, 1919, LL.B. Yale, 1924, Ph.D. Columbia, 1927. He was admitted (1925…

Olson, Floyd Bjornstjerne

(Encyclopedia) Olson, Floyd BjornstjerneOlson, Floyd Bjornstjernebyûrnˈstĕrˌnə [key], 1891–1936, American lawyer and politician, b. Minneapolis. In his early life he was an itinerant laborer and for…


(Encyclopedia) reredosreredosrērˈdŏs [key], ornamented wall or screen that rises behind the high altar of a church, forming a background for it. It may be placed against the apse wall at the extreme…