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Arp, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Arp, Jean or Hans, 1887–1966, French sculptor and painter. Arp was connected with the Blaue Reiter in Munich, various avant-garde groups in Paris, including the surrealists, and the…

Murphy, Frank

(Encyclopedia) Murphy, Frank, 1890–1949, American political figure, associate justice of the Supreme Court (1940–49), b. Harbor Beach, Mich. After serving as a U.S. attorney (1919–20) and as a judge…

Quisling, Vidkun

(Encyclopedia) Quisling, VidkunQuisling, Vidkunkwĭzˈlĭng, Nor. vĭdˈk&oobreve;n kvĭsˈlĭng [key], 1887–1945, Norwegian fascist leader. An army officer, he served as military attaché in Petrograd (…

Szold, Henrietta

(Encyclopedia) Szold, HenriettaSzold, Henriettazōld [key], 1860–1945, American Zionist leader, editor, and translator, b. Baltimore. After graduating from high school in 1877 she taught (1878–92) in…

Freedmen's Bureau

(Encyclopedia) Freedmen's Bureau, in U.S. history, a federal agency, formed to aid and protect the newly freed blacks in the South after the Civil War. Established by an act of Mar. 3, 1865, under…

Red Cross

(Encyclopedia) Red Cross, international organization concerned with the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of public health; the world-recognized symbols of mercy and absolute…


(Encyclopedia) Hodeida Hodeida hōdāˈdə [key] or Al Hudaydah Hodeida…


(Encyclopedia) forging, shaping metal by heating it and then hammering or rolling it. Forging is the method by which metal was first worked when it came into use about 4000 b.c. in Egypt and Asia.…

Wells, Emmeline Blanche

(Encyclopedia) Wells, Emmeline Blanche, 1828–1921, American journalist and women's rights advocate, b. Petersham, Mass., as Emmeline Blanche Woodward. She joined the Mormons (see Latter-day Saints,…

Wise, Stephen Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Wise, Stephen Samuel, 1874–1949, American Reform rabbi and Zionist leader, b. Budapest, grad. College of the City of New York, 1891, Ph.D. Columbia, 1901. He served as a rabbi in New…