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Displaying 201 - 210

Brewer's: Punic Faith

Treachery, violation of faith. “Punic faith” is about equal to “Spanish honesty.” The Puni (a corruption of Poeni) were accused by the Romans of breaking faith with them, a most…

Brewer's: Sancho Panza

the squire of Don Quixote, was governor of Barataria, according to Cervantes. He is described as a short, pot-bellied rustic, full of common sense, but without a grain of “spirituality.”…

Brewer's: Spout

Up the spout. At the pawn-broker's. In allusion to the “spout” up which brokers send the articles ticketed. When redeemed they return down the spout—i.e. from the store-room to the shop. “…

Brewer's: Stuck his Spoon in the Wall

Took up his residence. Sometimes it means took up his long home, or died. In primitive times a leather strap was very often nailed to the wall, somewhere near the fireplace, and in this…

Brewer's: Martha

(St.), patron saint of good housewives, is represented in Christian art as clad in homely costume, bearing at her girdle a bunch of keys, and holding a ladle or pot of water in her hand.…

Brewer's: Grey Hen

(A). A stone bottle for holding liquor. Large and small pewter pots mixed together are called “hen and chickens.” “A dirty leather wallet lay near the sleeper, ... also a grey-hen which…

Brewer's: Greybeard

(A). An earthen pot for holding spirits; a large stone jar. Also an old man. (Bellarmine.) “We will give a cup of distilled waters ... unto the next pilgrim that comes over; and ye may…

Brewer's: Isabella

Princess of Sicily, in love with Robert le Diable, but promised in marriage to the prince of Granada, who challenged Robert to mortal combat. Robert was allured from the combat by his…

Brewer's: Carouse the hunter's hoop.

Drinking cups were anciently marked with hoops, by which every drinker knew his stint. Shakespeare makes Jack Cade promise his friends that “seven halfpenny loaves shall be sold for a…

Brewer's: Creaking Doors hang the Longest

“Un pot fêlé dure plus qu'un neuf.” “Tout se qui branle ne chet pas” (tumbles not). Delicate persons often outlive the more robust. Those who have some personal affliction, like the gout,…