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Brewer's: Olia Podrida

Odds and ends, a mixture of scraps. In Spain it takes the place of the French pot au feu, into which every sort of eatable is thrown and stewed. (See Olio. ) Used figuratively, the term…

Brewer's: Sprout-kele

The Saxon name for February. Kele is colewort, the great pot-wort of the ancient Saxons; the broth made thereof was also called kcle. This important pottage herb begins to sprout in…

Brewer's: Squab Pie

Pie made of squabs—i.e. young pigeons; also a pie made of mutton, apples, and onions. Cornwall squab-pie, and Devon white-pot brings. And Leicester beans and bacon, fit for kings. King:…

Brewer's: Stovepipe Hat

(A). A chimney-pot hat (q.v.). “High collars, tight coats, and tight sleeves were worn at home and abroad, and, as though that were not enough, a stovepipe hat was worn.” —Illustrated…

Brewer's: Poteen

(pron, pu-teen). Whisky that has not paid duty. (Irish poitin, diminutive of poite, a pot.) Come and taste some good poteon That has not paid a rap to the Quest. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Yorks

(a Stock-Exchange term), the Great Northern Railway Ordinary Stock, the York line. Similarly, there are the Berwicks, the Brums, the Dovers, the Leeds, the Pots or Potteries, the…

Brewer's: Allemand

“Une querelle d'Allemand,” a quarrel about nothing. We call pot valour “Dutch courage.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AllenAllan-a-Dale A B C D E F G…

Brewer's: Bain Marie

A saucepan containing hot water into which a smaller saucepan is plunged, either to keep it hot, or that it may boil without burning. A glue pot is a good example. Mons. Bouillet says, “…

Brewer's: Golden Shoe

(A). A pot of money. “The want of a golden shoe” is the want of ready cash. It seems to be a superlative of a “silver slipper,” or good luck generally, as he “walks in silver slippers.”…

Brewer's: Drinking at Freeman's Quay

that is, drinking gratis. At one time, all porters and carmen calling at Freeman's Quay, near London Bridge, had a pot of beer given them gratis. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,…