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Zagajewski, Adam

(Encyclopedia) Zagajewski, Adam, 1945–2021, Polish poet, b. Lviv, Jagiellonian Univ. (B.A., 1968; M.A., 1970). He and his…

Bishop, Elizabeth

(Encyclopedia) Bishop, Elizabeth, 1911–79, American poet, b. Worcester, Mass., grad. Vassar, 1934. During the 1950s and 60s she lived in Brazil, eventually returning to her native New England, where…

Catalan literature

(Encyclopedia) Catalan literature, like the Catalan language, developed in close connection with that of Provence. In both regions the rhymed songs of the troubadours flourished as an art form from…

Pound, Ezra Loomis

(Encyclopedia) Pound, Ezra Loomis, 1885–1972, American poet, critic, and translator, b. Hailey, Idaho, grad. Hamilton College, 1905, M.A. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1906. An extremely important influence…

Hardy, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Hardy, Thomas, 1840–1928, English novelist and poet, b. near Dorchester, one of the great English writers of the 19th cent. The son of a stonemason, he derived a love of music from his…

Whitman, Walt

(Encyclopedia) Whitman, Walt (Walter Whitman), 1819–92, American poet, b. West Hills, N.Y. Considered by many to be the greatest of all American poets, Walt Whitman celebrated the freedom and dignity…

Södergran, Edith Irene

(Encyclopedia) Södergran, Edith IreneSödergran, Edith Irenesöˈdərgrän [key], 1892–1923, Swedish poet, b. St. Petersburg, Russia. Södergran spent most of her adult life in poor health and in isolation…

Krapp, George Philip

(Encyclopedia) Krapp, George Philip, 1872–1934, American scholar, b. Cincinnati. Krapp joined the faculty of Columbia Univ. in 1897, was professor of English at the Univ. of Cincinnati (1908–10) and…

Guinicelli, Guido

(Encyclopedia) Guinicelli or Guinizelli, GuidoGuinicelli or Guinizelli, Guidogwēˈdō gwēnēchĕlˈlē; gwēnētsĕlˈlē [key], c.1230–1276?, Italian poet. In his best verse he wrote of love as an inner…

Abu al-Ala al-Maarri

(Encyclopedia) Abu al-Ala al-MaarriAbu al-Ala al-Maarriäˈb&oomacr; äl-äläˈ äl-mä-är-rēˈ [key], 973–1057, Arab freethinking poet. He was born and lived most of his life in Maara, S of Aleppo. He…