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Toomer, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Toomer, Jean, 1894–1967, American writer, b. Washington, D.C., as Nathan Eugene Toomer. A major figure of the Harlem Renaissance, he is known mainly for Cane (1923, rev. ed. 1988, 2011…

Krishna, Hindu deity

(Encyclopedia) KrishnaKrishnakrĭshˈnə [key] [Sanskrit,=black], one of the most popular deities in Hinduism, the eighth avatar, or incarnation of Vishnu. Krishna appears in the Mahabharata epic as a…

Leopardi, Giacomo

(Encyclopedia) Leopardi, GiacomoLeopardi, Giacomojäˈkōmō lāōpärˈdē [key], 1798–1837, Italian poet and scholar, considered Italy's outstanding 19th-century poet. An intellectual prodigy, he taught…

Levine, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Levine, Philip, 1928–2015, American poet, b. Detroit, grad. Wayne State Univ. (B.A., 1950; A.M., 1954), Univ. of Iowa (M.F.A., 1957). The son of Russian Jewish immigrants, he held a…

MacLeish, Archibald

(Encyclopedia) MacLeish, ArchibaldMacLeish, Archibaldməklēshˈ [key], 1892–1982, American poet and public official, b. Glencoe, Ill., grad. Yale, 1915, LL.B Harvard, 1919. He practiced law for only…

Ondaatje, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Ondaatje, Michael (Philip Michael Ondaatje)Ondaatje, Michaeländätˈchā [key], 1943–, Canadian writer, b. Colombo, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon). Immigrating (1962) to Canada, he attended the…

N. Scott Momaday

(Encyclopedia) N. Scott Momaday (Navarre Scott Momaday), 1934–2024, American writer whose works are reflective of his Kiowa culture, b. Lawton, Okla.,…

Creeley, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Creeley, Robert, 1926–2005, American poet, b. Arlington, Mass. He lived in Asia, Europe, and Latin America and taught at various universities in the United States. With Charles Olson,…

Akhmadulina, Bella

(Encyclopedia) Akhmadulina, Bella (Izabella Akhatovna Akhmadulina), 1937–2010, Russian poet, b. Moscow, grad. (1960) Gorky Literary Institute, Moscow. Her first poem was published in 1955 and her…


(Encyclopedia) EddaEddaĕdˈə [key], title applied to two distinct works in Old Icelandic. The Poetic Edda, or Elder Edda, is a collection (late 13th cent.) of 34 mythological and heroic lays, most of…