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(Encyclopedia) budding, type of grafting in which a plant bud is inserted under the bark of the stock (usually not more than a year old). It is best done when the bark will peel easily and the buds…

burning bush

(Encyclopedia) burning bush, name for a North American plant of the family Celastraceae (staff tree family). The scriptural burning bush not consumed by fire (Ex. 3.2) is sometimes associated with a…

Warming, Johannes Eugenius Bülow

(Encyclopedia) Warming, Johannes Eugenius BülowWarming, Johannes Eugenius Bülowyōhänˈəs ĕ&oobreve;gāˈnē&oobreve;s büˈlou värmˈĭng [key], 1841–1924, Danish botanist, a founder of the science…


(Encyclopedia) beggarweed or tick trefoil, leguminous plant (Desmodium purpureum) native to the West Indies and sown in the S United States for green manure and for forage; it has high nutritive…


(Encyclopedia) YibinYibinyē-bĭn [key] or IpinYibinē-bĭn [key], city (1994 est. pop. 261,300), S Sichuan prov., China. It is a commercial and communications center at the junction of the Min and the…

moss, in botany

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Life cycle of a moss: A germinating spore forms a transitory branching structure on the soil surface, which develops into the conspicuous gametophyte, the familiar moss plant.…


(Encyclopedia) onion, plant of the family Liliaceae (lily family), of the same genus (Allium) as the chive (A. schoenoprasum), garlic (A. sativum), leek (A. porrum), and shallot (A. ascalonium).…

neem tree

(Encyclopedia) neem tree or margosa tree, a fast-growing broad-leaved evergreen, Azadirachta indica, native to India and Myanmar. Its extracts have been used for centuries in Asia as pesticides,…


(Encyclopedia) KütahyaKütahyakütäˈyä [key], city (1990 pop. 131,286), capital of Kütahya prov., W central Turkey. An agricultural market center producing sugar beets, fruit, and cotton. Iron, lignite…

De Bary, Heinrich Anton

(Encyclopedia) De Bary, Heinrich AntonDe Bary, Heinrich Antonhīnˈrĭkh änˈtōn də bärēˈ [key], 1831–88, German botanist. He was professor at the universities of Freiburg in Breisgau (1855–66) and Halle…