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Wirt, William Albert

(Encyclopedia) Wirt, William Albert, 1874–1938, American educator, b. Markle, Ind., grad. DePauw Univ. (Ph.B., 1898; Ph.D., 1916). In 1907 he became superintendent of schools in Gary, Ind., where he…

Bentham, George

(Encyclopedia) Bentham, GeorgeBentham, Georgebĕnˈthəm [key], 1800–1884, one of the greatest of English systematic botanists; nephew of Jeremy Bentham. He wrote Handbook of British Flora (1858) and,…

Willstätter, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Willstätter, RichardWillstätter, Richardrĭkhˈärt vĭlˈshtĕtər [key], 1872–1942, German chemist. He was professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chemistry, Berlin (1912–16), and at…


(Encyclopedia) abattoirabattoirăbˌətwärˈ [key] [Fr.], building for butchering. The abattoir houses facilities to slaughter animals; dress, cut and inspect meats; and refrigerate, cure, and…

corn borer

(Encyclopedia) corn borer or European corn borer, common name for the larva of a moth of the family Pyralidae, introduced from S Europe into the Boston area in 1917. The corn borer, Ostrinia…


(Encyclopedia) aniseaniseănˈĭs [key], annual plant (Pimpinella anisum) of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the Mediterranean region but long cultivated elsewhere for its aromatic…


(Encyclopedia) defoliant, any one of several chemical compounds that, when applied to plants, can alter their metabolism, causing the leaves to drop off. In agriculture defoliants are used to…

Du Pont, Eleuthère Irénée

(Encyclopedia) Du Pont, Eleuthère IrénéeDu Pont, Eleuthère Irénéed&oomacr; pŏnt, Fr. ālötĕrˈ ērānāˈ dü pôN [key], 1772–1834, American gunpowder manufacturer, b. Paris, France; son of Pierre…


(Encyclopedia) eukaryoteeukaryotey&oomacr;kârˈē-ōtˌ [key], a cell or organism composed of cells that have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts; see cell, in biology…


(Encyclopedia) eutrophicationeutrophicationy&oomacr;trōˌfĭkāˈshən [key], aging of a lake by biological enrichment of its water. In a young lake the water is cold and clear, supporting little life…