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Periodic Table of the Elements: Sodium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Sodium Atomic Number: 11 Atomic Symbol: Na Sodium Atomic Weight: 22.98977 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 1

Periodic Table of the Elements: Strontium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Strontium Atomic Number: 38 Atomic Symbol: Sr Strontium Atomic Weight: 87.62 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Sulfur

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Sulfur Atomic Number: 16 Atomic Symbol: S Sulfur Atomic Weight: [32.059; 32.076] Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 6

Periodic Table of the Elements: Tantalum

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Tantalum Atomic Number: 73 Atomic Symbol: Ta Tantalum Atomic Weight: 180.94788 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 11 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Technetium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Technetium Atomic Number: 43 Atomic Symbol: Tc Technetium Atomic Weight: (98) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 13 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Tellurium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Tellurium Atomic Number: 52 Atomic Symbol: Te Tellurium Atomic Weight: 127.60 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 18 · 6

Periodic Table of the Elements: Tennessine

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Tennessine Atomic Number: 117 Atomic Symbol: Ts Tennessine Atomic Weight: (294) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 32 18 · 7

Periodic Table of the Elements: Terbium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Terbium Atomic Number: 65 Atomic Symbol: Tb Terbium Atomic Weight: 158.92535 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 27 · 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Thorium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Thorium Atomic Number: 90 Atomic Symbol: Th Thorium Atomic Weight: 232.03806 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 18 10 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Thulium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Thulium Atomic Number: 69 Atomic Symbol: Tm Thulium Atomic Weight: 168.93421 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 31 · 8 · 2