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Touring the French Revolution

Sites to See the French Revolution For ten tumultuous years revolution swept through France.  It began with the calling of the Estates-General in 1789 and the bold decision to establish a National…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 73

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 72Federalist No. 74Federalist No. 73 The Provision For The Support of the Executive, and the Veto Power To the People of…

Brewer's: Schoolmen

Certain theologians of the Middle Ages; so called because they lectured in the cloisters or cathedral schools founded by Charlemagne and his immediate successors. They followed the fathers…

Punctuation: The Colon: What a Party Animal

The Colon: What a Party AnimalPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the…

Chemistry: A Quantum Leap into Quantum Mechanics

A Quantum Leap into Quantum MechanicsChemistryThe Modern AtomBohr: What Is It Good For?Spectroscopy: Reading Between the LinesA Quantum Leap into Quantum Mechanics Unfortunately for Bohr, his…


(Encyclopedia) molybdenummolybdenumməlĭbˈdənəm [key] [Gr.,=leadlike], metallic chemical element; symbol Mo; at. no. 42; at. wt. 95.96; m.p. about 2,617℃; b.p. about 4,612℃; sp. gr. 10.22 at 20℃;…


(Encyclopedia) iodineiodineīˈədīn, –dĭn [key] [Gr.,=violet], nonmetallic chemical element; symbol I; at. no. 53; at. wt. 126.90447; m.p. 113.5℃; b.p. 184.35℃; sp. gr. 4.93 at 20℃; valence −1, +1, +3…


(Encyclopedia) arsenicarsenicärˈsənĭk [key], a semimetallic chemical element; symbol As; at. no. 33; at. wt. 74.92160; m.p. 817℃ (at 28 atmospheres pressure); sublimation point 613℃; sp. gr. (stable…