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(Encyclopedia) californiumcaliforniumkălˈĭfôrˌnēəm [key] [from California], artificially produced, radioactive metallic chemical element; symbol Cf; at. no. 98; mass no. of most stable isotope 251; m…


(Encyclopedia) ceriumceriumsērˈēəm [key] [from the asteroid Ceres], metallic chemical element; symbol Ce; at. no. 58; at. wt. 140.116; m.p. 799℃; b.p. 3,426℃; sp. gr. 6.77 at 25℃; valence +3 or +4.…


(Encyclopedia) xenonxenonzēˈnŏn [key] [Gr.,=strange], gaseous chemical element; symbol Xe; at. no. 54; at. wt. 131.293; m.p. −111.9℃; b.p. −107.1℃; density 5.86 grams per liter at STP; valence…


(Encyclopedia) vanadiumvanadiumvənāˈdēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol V; at. no. 23; at. wt. 50.9415; m.p. about 1,890℃; b.p. 3,380℃; sp. gr. about 6 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, +4, or +5.…


(Encyclopedia) rubidiumrubidiumr&oomacr;bĭdˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Rb; at. no. 37; at. wt. 85.4678; m.p. 38.89℃; b.p. 686℃; sp. gr. 1.53 at 20℃; valence +1. Rubidium is a…


(Encyclopedia) promethiumpromethiumprōmēˈthēəm [key], artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Pm; at. no. 61; mass no. of most stable isotope 145; m.p. 1,042℃; b.p. 3,000℃ (…


(Encyclopedia) argonargonärˈgŏn [key] [Gr.,=inert], gaseous chemical element; symbol Ar; at. no. 18; at. wt. 39.948; m.p. −189.2℃; b.p. −185.7℃; density 1.784 grams per liter at STP; valence 0. Argon…


(Encyclopedia) lanthanumlanthanumlănˈthənəm [key] [Gr.,=to lie hidden], metallic chemical element; symbol La; at. no. 57; at. wt. 138.90547; m.p. about 920℃; b.p. about 3,460℃; sp. gr. 6.19 at 25℃;…


(Encyclopedia) livermorium, artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Lv; at. no. 116; mass number of most stable isotope 292; m.p., b.p., sp. gr., and valence unknown. Situated in…

Marsilius of Padua

(Encyclopedia) Marsilius of PaduaMarsilius of Paduamärsĭlˈēəs, păˈdy&oomacr;ə [key], d. c.1342, Italian political philosopher. He is satirically called Marsiglio. Little is known with certainty…