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Periodic Table of the Elements: Erbium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Erbium Atomic Number: 68 Atomic Symbol: Er Erbium Atomic Weight: 167.259 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 30 · 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Europium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Europium Atomic Number: 63 Atomic Symbol: Eu Europium Atomic Weight: 151.964 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 25 · 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Fermium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Fermium Atomic Number: 100 Atomic Symbol: Fm Fermium Atomic Weight: (257) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 30 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Flerovium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Flerovium Atomic Number: 114 Atomic Symbol: Fl Flerovium Atomic Weight: (289) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 32 18 · 4

Periodic Table of the Elements: Francium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Francium Atomic Number: 87 Atomic Symbol: Fr Francium Atomic Weight: (223) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 18 8 · 1

Periodic Table of the Elements: Gadolinium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Gadolinium Atomic Number: 64 Atomic Symbol: Gd Gadolinium Atomic Weight: 157.25 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 25 · 9 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Gallium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Gallium Atomic Number: 31 Atomic Symbol: Ga Gallium Atomic Weight: 69.723 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 · 3

Periodic Table of the Elements: Germanium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Germanium Atomic Number: 32 Atomic Symbol: Ge Germanium Atomic Weight: 72.63 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 · 4

Periodic Table of the Elements: Gold

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Gold Atomic Number: 79 Atomic Symbol: Au Gold Atomic Weight: 196.96657 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 18 · 1