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(Encyclopedia) ManchuManchumănˈch&oomacr; [key], people who lived in Manchuria for many centuries and who ruled China from 1644 until 1912. These people, related to the Tungus, were descended…


(Encyclopedia) chlamydiachlamydiakləmĭdˈēə [key], genus of microorganisms that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals. Psittacosis, or parrot fever, caused by the species Chlamydia…

Kumaratunga, Chandrika Bandaranaike

(Encyclopedia) Kumaratunga, Chandrika BandaranaikeKumaratunga, Chandrika Bandaranaikechŭnˈdrēkə bändränīˈkē k&oomacr;märˌət&oobreve;ngˈgə [key], 1945–, Sri Lankan politician, president of Sri…


(Encyclopedia) LautaroLautaroloutäˈrō [key], c.1533–57, leader of the Araucanians in their nearly successful attempt to reconquer S central Chile from the Spanish. He was captured by the Spanish…

Brant, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Brant, Joseph, 1742–1807, chief of the Mohawk. His Mohawk name is usually rendered as Thayendanegea. He served under Sir William Johnson in the French and Indian War, and Johnson sent…


(Encyclopedia) telecommuting, an arrangement by which people work at home using a computer and telephone, accessing work-related materials at a business office, or transmitting materials to an office…

sleep apnea

(Encyclopedia) sleep apnea, episodes of interrupted breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder in which relaxation of muscles in the throat repeatedly close off the airway…


(Encyclopedia) NdebeleNdebeleĕndəbēˈlē [key] or MatabeleMatabelemătəbēˈlē [key], Bantu-speaking people inhabiting Matabeleland North and South, W Zimbabwe. The Ndebele, now numbering close to 2…


(Encyclopedia) Hendrick, c.1680–1755, chief of the Mohawks. He was known also as Tiyanoga. He became a Christian and was an ally of the British. He represented his people at the Albany Congress (1754…

Magog, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) MagogMagogmāˈgŏg [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Japheth. 2 The land from which Gog, the eschatological enemy of the people of God, comes to wreak havoc on Israel.