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(Encyclopedia) PhaeaciaPhaeaciafēāˈshə [key], in Greek mythology, island of Scheria (location unknown). It was inhabited by a seafaring people who were hospitable to sailors and fond of joyous,…

Brandão, Raul

(Encyclopedia) Brandão, Raul, 1867–1930, Portuguese novelist. His major theme was the tragic lives of poor people, and he often depicted a nightmare world of suffering ruled by inexplicable forces.…


(Encyclopedia) rickettsiarickettsiarĭkĕtˈsēə [key], any of an order (Rickettsiales) of very small microorganisms, many disease-causing, that live in vertebrates and are transmitted by bloodsucking…


(Encyclopedia) sharecropping, an agricultural system in which a landowner allows a tenant to use their land in return for a share of the crop produced…


(Encyclopedia) culture, in anthropology, the integrated system of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct which delimit the range of accepted behaviors in any given society. Cultural…


(Encyclopedia) LoammiLoammilōămˈī [key] [Heb.,=not my people], in the Bible, symbolic name of the prophet Hosea's second son and figurative name of Israel before reconciliation with God. Cf. Ammi.

Czolgosz, Leon F.

(Encyclopedia) Czolgosz, Leon F.Czolgosz, Leon F.chŏlˈgŏsh [key], c.1873–1901, American anarchist, b. Detroit, Mich. He shot and killed William McKinley in Buffalo on Sept. 6, 1901, saying that the…

Boston Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Boston Mountains, most rugged part of the Ozarks, NW Ark. and E Okla., rising to 2,700 ft (823 m). Isolated because of its geographical makeup, the region developed its own lifestyle;…

sleep apnea

(Encyclopedia) sleep apnea, episodes of interrupted breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder in which relaxation of muscles in the throat repeatedly close off the airway…