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George Walker Bush

George Walker Bush Born: 7/6/1946Birthplace: New Haven, Conn. George Walker Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Conn., the first child of future president George H. W. Bush. In 1948…

land use

(Encyclopedia) land use, exploitation of land for agricultural, industrial, residential, recreational, or other purposes. Because the United States historically has a laissez-faire attitude toward…


(Encyclopedia) thoriumthoriumthôrˈēəm [key] [from Thor], radioactive chemical element; symbol Th; at. no. 90; mass number of most stable isotope 232; m.p. about 1,750℃; b.p. about 4,790℃; sp. gr. 11.…

1990 – 1999 World History

Lech Walesa (1943– ) Archive Photos Hubble Space Telescope NASA Boris Yeltsin (1931–2007) Imapress/Archive Photos Toni Morrison (1931– ) Archive Photos…

The Chemistry of Biology: Nucleic Acids

Nucleic AcidsThe Chemistry of BiologyIntroductionAtomic TheoryChemical Reactions: Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Covalent BondsWaterOrganic ChemistryCarbohydratesLipidsProteinsNucleic AcidsVitamins and…

2012 World News: North Korea

A Look at Kim Jong-Un's First Year as Leader of North Korea Flag of North KoreaRelated Links North Korea Country Profile 2012 Year in…

Year in Review, 2010

Top events for the nation and the world News and Analysis News of the Nation Arizona Immigration Law Pushes the Limit • Health Care Reform: Years in the Making, Still Doesn't Satisfy…

2010 Year in Review - Iran Election

Major World News Stories of 2010 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Related Links Iran Country Profile 2010 Year in Review 2010 News of the Nation 2010 People in the…

2011 World News: Iraq

U.S. to Withdraw Completely from Iraq by Beth Rowen U.S. Troops in Iraq Related Links 2011 Year in Review 2011…

James Earl Carter, Jr.

James Earl Carter, Jr.Born: 10/1/1924Birthplace: Plains, Ga. James Earl Carter, Jr., was born in the tiny village of Plains, Ga., Oct. 1, 1924, and grew up on the family farm at nearby…