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White Sea

(Encyclopedia) White Sea, Rus. Beloye More, c.36,680 sq mi (95,000 sq km), NW European Russia, an inlet of the Barents Sea. Its northern section, opening into the Barents Sea between the Kola and…

Earth Day

Spikes in prices raise awareness of the need to conserve resources Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, a result of the efforts of Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), a passionate advocate of…

2012 World News: Israel

Israel Focuses on Iran and Internal Politics Benjamin Netanyahu Related Links Israel Country Profile Iran Profile 2012 Year in Review 2012 News of the…

August 2005

WorldSudan Leader Killed in Crash (Aug. 1): Government confirms that John Garang, leader of the opposition Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) who was recently named vice president, had…


(Encyclopedia) lithiumlithiumlĭthˈēəm [key] [Gr.,=stone], metallic chemical element; symbol Li; at. no. 3; interval in which at. wt. ranges 6.938–6.997; m.p. about 180.54℃; b.p. about 1,342℃; sp. gr…


(Encyclopedia) rutherfordiumrutherfordiumrŭᵺˌərfôrˈdēəm [key], artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Rf; at. no. 104; mass number of most stable isotope 265; m.p., b.p., and sp.…

Leo Szilard

Leo Szilard Born: 1898Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary Nuclear reactor—Szilard was awarded a patent for the nuclear fission reactor along with Enrico Fermi. Throughout his life, Szilard made…


(Encyclopedia) ship, large craft in which persons and goods may be conveyed on water. In the U.S. Navy the term boat refers to any vessel that is small enough to be hoisted aboard a ship, and ship is…