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Displaying 241 - 250

Walt Whitman: Sea-Drift

Sea-DriftOut of the Cradle Endlessly RockingAs I Ebb'd with the Ocean of LifeTearsTo the Man-of-War-BirdAboard at a Ship's HelmOn the Beach at NightThe World below the BrineOn the Beach at…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 30, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 29, 1805July 31, 1805July 30, 1805 Tuesday July 30th 1805. Capt. Clark being much better this morning and having completed my observations…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 17, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 16, 1804May 18, 1804May 17, 1804 Thursday the 17th 1804 a fine Day 3 men Confined for misconduct, I had a Court martial & punishment…

The Devil's Dictionary: Story

by Ambrose Bierce SPOOKERSUCCESSSTORY -n. A narrative, commonly untrue. The truth of the stories here following has, however, not been successfully impeached. One evening Mr. Rudolph…