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Displaying 211 - 220

Lily and the Lion

Lily and the Lion A merchant, who had three daughters, was once setting out upon a journey; but before he went he asked each daughter what gift he should bring back for her. The eldest wished…

Tales from Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet The two chief families in Verona were the rich Capulets and the Montagues. There had been an old quarrel between these families, which was grown to such a height, and so…

Christina Rossetti: Advent

AdventThis Advent moon shines cold and clear, These Advent nights are long; Our lamps have burned year after year And still their flame is strong. 'Watchman, what of the night?' we cry…

2017 Emmy Nominations List and Predictions

The 2017 Emmy nominations are out! Did your favorite show make it onto the Emmy list? This year Westworld on HBO and Saturday Night Live on NBC tied for the title of most nominations. Both earned…

Peter Pan: The Happy Home

The Never Bird Wendy's Story The Happy Home One important result of the brush [with the pirates] on the lagoon was that it made the redskins their friends. Peter had saved Tiger…