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New Brunswick, province, Canada

(Encyclopedia) CE5 New Brunswick, province (2001 pop. 729,498), 28,345 sq mi (73,433 sq km), including 519 sq mi (1,345 sq km) of water surface, E Canada. The Mi'kmaq, an indigenous people…

France, Anatole

(Encyclopedia) France, AnatoleFrance, Anatoleänätôlˈ fräNs [key], pseud. of Jacques Anatole ThibaultFrance, Anatolezhäk, tēbōˈ [key], 1844–1924, French writer. He was probably the most prominent…

Amboise, Georges d'

(Encyclopedia) Amboise, Georges d'Amboise, Georges d'zhôrzh däNbwäzˈ [key], 1460–1510, French statesman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He became archbishop of Rouen in 1493. In 1498, as an…

Saint-Denis, city, France

(Encyclopedia) Saint-DenisSaint-DenissăN-dənēˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 90,806), Seine–Saint-Denis dept., N central France. It is an industrial suburb N of Paris. Metals, chemicals, machinery,…

Suffolk, Charles Brandon, 1st duke of

(Encyclopedia) Suffolk, Charles Brandon, 1st duke ofSuffolk, Charles Brandon, 1st duke ofsŭfˈək [key], d. 1545, English nobleman. A member of the court of Henry VIII, he received many preferments. He…

Embargo Act of 1807

(Encyclopedia) Embargo Act of 1807, passed Dec. 22, 1807, by the U.S. Congress in answer to the British orders in council restricting neutral shipping and to Napoleon's restrictive Continental System…

Laurent, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Laurent, RobertLaurent, Robertrōbârˈ lôrĕntˈ [key], 1890–1970, American sculptor, b. France. He emigrated to the United States in 1902 and later studied in Rome. Progressing from early…

XYZ Affair

(Encyclopedia) XYZ Affair, name usually given to an incident (1797–98) in Franco-American diplomatic relations. The United States had in 1778 entered into an alliance with France, but after the…


(Encyclopedia) Carcassonne Carcassonne kärkäsônˈ [key], city, capital of Aude dept., S France, in Languedoc. The old…