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(Encyclopedia) BannockBannockbănˈək [key], Native North Americans who formerly ranged over wide territory of the N Great Plains and into the foothills of the Rocky Mts. They were concentrated in S…


(Encyclopedia) pumpkin, common name for the genus Cucurbita of the family Cucurbitaceae (gourd family), a group that includes the pumpkins and squashes—the names may be used interchangeably and…


(Encyclopedia) coupcoupk&oomacr; [key] [Fr.,=blow], among Native North Americans of the Plains culture, a war honor, awarded for striking an enemy in such a way that it was considered an extreme…

Covarrubias, Miguel

(Encyclopedia) Covarrubias, MiguelCovarrubias, Miguelmēgālˈ kōvär-r&oomacr;ˈbēäs [key], 1902–57, American artist and writer, b. Mexico City. Largely self-taught, he went to New York City in 1923…

Gall, Sioux war chief

(Encyclopedia) GallGallgôl [key], c.1840–1894, war chief of the Sioux, b. South Dakota. He refused to accept the treaty of 1868 (by which he would have been confined to a reservation), joined Sitting…


(Encyclopedia) Holbrook. <1> City (2020 pop. 4,858), seat of Navaho co., NE Ariz.; founded c. 1881; inc. 1917. The town was established with the…

lost tribes

(Encyclopedia) lost tribes, 10 Israelite tribes that, according to the Bible, were transported to Assyria by Tiglathpileser III or Shalmaneser after the conquest of Israel in 722 b.c. Numerous…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria latifolia arrowhead, any plant of the genus Sagittaria, widely distributed marsh or aquatic herbs of the primitive family Alismataceae (water…

Miller, Joaquin

(Encyclopedia) Miller, JoaquinMiller, Joaquinwäkēnˈ [key], pseud. of Cincinnatus Heine (or Hiner) Miller, 1839?–1913, American poet, b. Liberty, Ind. In 1852 his family moved to frontier Oregon. He…

Albany Congress

(Encyclopedia) Albany Congress, 1754, meeting at Albany, N.Y., of commissioners representing seven British colonies in North America to treat with the Iroquois, chiefly because war with France…