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(Encyclopedia) rancheriarancheriaränchāˈrēä [key], type of communal settlement formerly characteristic of the Yaqui Indians of Sonora, Mexico, and of various small Native American groups of the SW…


(Encyclopedia) Okanogan or OkinaganOkinaganboth: ōkənäˈgən [key], confederation of Native North Americans of the Salishan branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American…


(Encyclopedia) oleasteroleasterōˌlēăsˈtər [key], common name for members of the Elaeagnaceae, a family principally of shrubs with leathery leaves and a dense covering of glistening hairs. Most…


(Encyclopedia) trillium or wake-robintrilliumtrĭlˈēəm [key], any plant of the large genus Trillium, attractive spring wildflowers of the family Liliaceae (lily family), native to North America and E…


(Encyclopedia) WashoWashowäˈshō [key], Native North Americans occupying the region around Washo and Tahoe lakes in W Nevada and E California in the mid-19th cent. The Paiute were their inveterate…

McLoughlin, John

(Encyclopedia) McLoughlin, JohnMcLoughlin, Johnməglŏkhˈlĭn, –glôfˈlĭn [key], 1784–1857, Canadian-American fur trader in Oregon, b. Rivière du Loup, near Quebec. A physician and then a trader, he was…


(Encyclopedia) trickster, a mythic figure common among Native North Americans, South Americans, and Africans. Usually male but occasionally female or disguised in female form, he is notorious for…

folk drama

(Encyclopedia) folk drama, noncommercial, generally rural theater and pageantry based on folk traditions and local history. This form of drama, common throughout the world, declined in popularity in…

Fredonian Rebellion

(Encyclopedia) Fredonian Rebellion, 1826–27, in Texas history, a premature attempt to make Texas independent from Mexico. Two Americans, Haden Edwards and his brother, had undertaken to make…


(Encyclopedia) Lumbee, descendants of Native Americans whose language belonged to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). The ancestors of…