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(Encyclopedia) manitomanitomănˈĭtō [key], name used among Native Americans of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock to describe the supernatural power that permeates all things (see animism). The…

Curtis, Samuel Ryan

(Encyclopedia) Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805–66, Union general in the Civil War, b. Clinton co., N.Y., grad. West Point, 1831. Curtis won a decisive victory at Pea Ridge (1862) and was therefore promoted…

Brown, Henry Kirke

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Henry Kirke, 1814–86, American sculptor, b. Leyden, Mass. He studied portrait painting with Chester Harding and later turned to sculpture, which he studied in Italy. Returning…

Dearborn, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Dearborn, Henry, 1751–1829, American general and cabinet member, b. Hampton, N.H. He was a physician and became a captain of militia. When the American Revolution broke out, he led his…

Berkeley, Sir William

(Encyclopedia) Berkeley, Sir William, 1606–77, colonial governor of Virginia. Appointed governor in 1641, he arrived in Virginia in 1642. Berkeley defeated the Native Americans and the Dutch,…


(Encyclopedia) rancheriarancheriaränchāˈrēä [key], type of communal settlement formerly characteristic of the Yaqui Indians of Sonora, Mexico, and of various small Native American groups of the SW…


(Encyclopedia) baneberry, any plant of the small genus Actaea, north temperate perennials of the family Ranunculaceae (buttercup family) sometimes cultivated for the handsome (though poisonous)…


(Encyclopedia) shadbush,&sp;Juneberry, or serviceberry, any species of the genus Amelanchier of the family Rosaceae (rose family), chiefly North American shrubs or trees conspicuous in the early…


(Encyclopedia) MakahMakahmäkôˈ [key], Native North Americans who in the early 19th cent. inhabited Cape Flattery, NW Wash. According to Lewis and Clark they then numbered some 2,000. The Makah are…


(Encyclopedia) Malecite or MaliseetMaliseetboth: mălˈəsīt [key], Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native…