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Brewer's: Evolution

(Darwinian). Darwin's theory is that different forms of animal and vegetable life are due to small variations, and that natural selection is a main agent in bringing them about. If…

Entertainment News from May 1999

1Oscar-nominated actor Greg Kinnear marries longtime girlfriend, model-writer Helen Labdon in Sussex, England.4Bryant Gumbel will be back in the morning anchor seat come fall. CBS announces…


(Encyclopedia) marsupialmarsupialmärs&oomacr;ˈpēəl [key], member of the order Marsupialia, or pouched mammals. With the exception of the New World opossums and an obscure S American family (…


(Encyclopedia) pigmentation, name for the coloring matter found in certain plant and animal cells and for the color produced thereby. Pigmentation occurs in nearly all living organisms. Almost all…

occupational disease

(Encyclopedia) occupational disease, illness incurred because of the conditions or environment of employment. Unlike with accidents, some time usually elapses between exposure to the cause and…

urinary system

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Urinary system urinary system, group of organs of the body concerned with excretion of urine, that is, water and the waste products of metabolism. In humans, the kidneys are…


(Encyclopedia) epilepsy, a chronic disorder of cerebral function characterized by periodic convulsive seizures. There are many conditions that have epileptic seizures. Sudden discharge of excess…