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Brewer's: Saivas

(2 syl.). Worshippers of Siva, one of the three great Indian sects; they are at present divided into - (1) Dandins or staff-bearers, the Hindu mendicants; so called because they carry a…

Brewer's: Fierabras

(Sir), of Alexandria, son of Balan, King of Spain. The greatest giant that ever walked the earth. For height of stature, breadth of shoulder, and hardness of muscle he never had an equal.…

Cosmic Dust Doomed Dinosaurs?

The earliest fossil animal embryos, dating from the Precambrian era, were found by American, Taiwanese, and Chinese scientists in phosphate deposits in China's Guizhou province. Some of…

sea star

(Encyclopedia) sea star, also called starfish, echinoderm of the class Asteroidae, common in tide pools. Sea stars vary in size from under 1&fslsh;2 in. (1.3 cm) to over 3 ft (90 cm) in diameter…


(Encyclopedia) jellyfish, common name for the free-swimming stage (see polyp and medusa), of certain invertebrate animals of the phylum Cnidaria (the coelenterates). The body of a jellyfish is shaped…

Hot Dog History

  In honor of National Hot Dog Month, some answers to those dogging questions During the July 4th weekend, Americans will consume 155 million hot dogs. (Source/National Hot Dog and Sausage Council…

<i>Breaking Dawn</i> Trivia

Learn about the symbolism, origin of names, and other interesting tidbits about Breaking Dawn Related Links Twilight Page Twilight Quiz Biography of…

Guide to Spelling: Hooked on Phonics: See and Say

See and SayGuide to Spelling: Hooked on PhonicsIntroductionIf U Cn Reed This …Quick and Dirty Tricks of the TradeAttaching Prefixes and Suffixes: Bits and PiecesContractions: Suck It InFollow the…

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

Author:Dave EggersPublisher:Simon & Schuster Taken at face value, the premise of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius would lead one to assume that the "memoir" based on a true story…