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The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto II

Paradiso: Canto IParadiso: Canto IIIParadiso: Canto II O Ye, who in some pretty little boat, Eager to listen, have been following Behind my ship, that singing sails along, Turn back…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XX

Paradiso: Canto XIXParadiso: Canto XXIParadiso: Canto XX When he who all the world illuminates Out of our hemisphere so far descends That on all sides the daylight is consumed, The…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXVII

Paradiso: Canto XXVIParadiso: Canto XXVIIIParadiso: Canto XXVII "Glory be to the Father, to the Son, And Holy Ghost!" all Paradise began, So that the melody inebriate made me. What I…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXXI

Paradiso: Canto XXXParadiso: Canto XXXIIParadiso: Canto XXXI In fashion then as of a snow-white rose Displayed itself to me the saintly host, Whom Christ in his own blood had made his…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto II

Purgatorio: Canto IPurgatorio: Canto IIIPurgatorio: Canto II Already had the sun the horizon reached Whose circle of meridian covers o'er Jerusalem with its most lofty point, And…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto III

Purgatorio: Canto IIPurgatorio: Canto IVPurgatorio: Canto III Inasmuch as the instantaneous flight Had scattered them asunder o'er the plain, Turned to the mountain whither reason…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Prologue to Hellas

by Percy Bysshe Shelley PrefaceDramatis PersonaePrologue to Hellas HERALD OF ETERNITY: It is the day when all the sons of God Wait in the roofless senate-house, whose floor Is Chaos, and…

John Keats: Part 2

by John Keats Part 1Part 2 love in a hut, with water and a crust, Is — Love, forgive us! — cinders, ashes, dust; Love in a palace is perhaps at last More grievous torment than a hermit's…

Walt Whitman: Starting from Paumanok, Part 6

Part 6The soul, Forever and forever—longer than soil is brown and solid—longer than water ebbs and flows. I will make the poems of materials, for I think they are to be the most…

John Keats: Ode

To AutumnSonnetsOde Bards of Passion and of Mirth, Ye have left your souls on earth! Have ye souls in heaven too, Double-lived in regions new? Yes, and those of heaven commune With the…