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Leonard COVINGTON, Congress, MD (1768-1813)

COVINGTON Leonard , a Representative from Maryland; born in Aquasco, Md., October 30, 1768; received a liberal schooling; entered the United States Army as a cornet of Cavalry March 14, 1792;…

The Iliad of Homer: The Death of Hector

The Battle in the River Scamander. Funeral Games in Honour of Patroclus. The Death of Hector. The Trojans being safe within the walls, Hector only stays to oppose Achilles. Priam is…

Walt Whitman: Good-Bye My Fancy!

Good-Bye My Fancy!Good-bye my Fancy! Farewell dear mate, dear love! I'm going away, I know not where, Or to what fortune, or whether I may ever see you again, So Good-bye my Fancy.Now for my…

The Coronet

The Coronet When for the Thorns with which I long, too long, With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown'd, I seek with Garlands to redress that Wrong: Through every Garden, every…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Hymn

HymnThere is in all the sons of men A love that in the spirit dwells, That panteth after things unseen, And tidings of the future tells. And God hath built his altar here To keep this fire of…

Richard Le Gallienne: A Caravan from China comes

A Caravan from China comes(After Hafiz)Richard Le GallienneA caravan from China comes; For miles it sweetens all the air With fragrant silks and dreaming gums, Attar and myrrh — A caravan…