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Origin of State Names

Alabama From the Alabama or Alibamu people, though the river was named first. Alabama comes from the Choctaw for "vegetation pickers," in reference to local farming practices. Alaska A…

Native American Place Names

The name Tahoe (the lake in California/Nevada) is Washo for "big water." The state name Utah is from the Ute tribe, meaning "people of the mountains." Related Links Native American …

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 14, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 13, 1805April 15, 1805April 14, 1805 Sunday April 14th 1805. One of the hunters saw an Otter last evening and shot at it, but missed it.…

Walt Whitman: From Pent-Up Aching Rivers

From Pent-Up Aching RiversFrom pent-up aching rivers, From that of myself without which I were nothing, From what I am determin'd to make illustrious, even if I stand sole among men, From…

Lucius Mendel RIVERS, Congress, SC (1905-1970)

RIVERS Lucius Mendel , a Representative from South Carolina; born in Gumville, Berkeley County, S.C., September 28, 1905; attended the public schools, the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.,…

Ralph Julian RIVERS, Congress, AK (1903-1976)

RIVERS Ralph Julian , a Representative from Alaska; born in Seattle, King County, Wash., May 23, 1903; attended grammar school in Flat, Alaska, and Franklin High School, Seattle, Wash.; LL.B.,…

Chivington, John Milton

(Encyclopedia) Chivington, John Milton, 1821–92, Union general in the American Civil War, b. Lebanon, Ohio. Ordained a Methodist minister (1844), he served in Missouri and Nebraska before moving to…

Robbins, Frederick Chapman

(Encyclopedia) Robbins, Frederick Chapman, 1916–2003, American physician, b. Auburn, Ala., grad. Univ. of Missouri, 1938, M.D. Harvard, 1940. He served on the staff of Children's Hospital, Boston,…