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The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 14, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 13, 1805June 15, 1805June 14, 1805 Friday June 14th 1805. This morning at sunrise I dispatched Joseph Fields with a letter to Capt. Clark…


(Encyclopedia) galenagalenagəlēˈnə [key] or lead glance, lustrous, blue-gray mineral crystallizing usually in cubes, sometimes in octahedrons. It is the most important ore and the principal source of…

Denver, James William

(Encyclopedia) Denver, James William, 1817–92, American territorial governor, army officer, and congressman, b. Winchester, Va. He commanded a company of Missouri volunteers in the Mexican War, then…

Mott, Frank Luther

(Encyclopedia) Mott, Frank Luther, 1886–1964, American author and professor of journalism, b. near What Cheer, Iowa. He directed (1927–42) the school of journalism at the State Univ. of Iowa and was…

James, Jesse

(Encyclopedia) James, Jesse (Woodson), 1847–82, American outlaw, b. Clay co., Mo. At the age of 15 he joined the Confederate guerrilla band led by William Quantrill and participated in the brutal and…