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Lewis & Clark: Index

by NoahBrooks The End of a Long JourneyIndex A Alkali, natural deposits of, 60. Antelope, first seen, 29; how hunted, 69. Assiniboins, at war with Sioux, 49…

Austin, Moses

(Encyclopedia) Austin, Moses, 1761–1821, American pioneer, b. Durham, Conn. After developing lead mines in SW Virginia, he went to inspect (1796–97) prospects in Missouri, then Spanish territory. In…

Corn Belt

(Encyclopedia) Corn Belt, major agricultural region of the U.S. Midwest where corn acreage once exceeded that of any other crop. It is now commonly called the Feed Grains and Livestock Belt. Located…

Gephardt, Dick

(Encyclopedia) Gephardt, Dick (Richard Andrew Gephardt)Gephardt, Dickgĕpˈhärt [key], 1941–, U.S. congressman (1977–2005), b. St. Louis. A lawyer, he was first elected to the House of Representatives…

Hatch, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Hatch, William Henry, 1833–96, U.S. Congressman (1879–95), b. Scott co., Ky. He was admitted (1854) to the bar and moved to Hannibal, Mo. He became prominent in Democratic politics in…

Austin, Stephen Fuller

(Encyclopedia) Austin, Stephen Fuller, 1793–1836, American leader of colonization in Texas, known as the Father of Texas, b. Wythe co., Va.; son of Moses Austin. He grew up in Missouri, studied at…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 12, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 11, 1805April 13, 1805April 12, 1805 Friday April the 12th 1805. Set out at an early hour. our peroge and the Canoes passed over to the…