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Dyer, Eliphalet

(Encyclopedia) Dyer, EliphaletDyer, Eliphaletəlĭfˈəlĭtˌ [key], 1721–1807, American jurist, b. Windham, Conn. After serving in the state legislature for several years, Dyer took part in the French and…

Faymann, Werner

(Encyclopedia) Faymann, Werner, 1960–, Austrian politician, federal chancellor of Austria (2008–16), b. Vienna. A member of the Social Democrat party, he began his political career as chairman of…

Williamson, Hugh

(Encyclopedia) Williamson, Hugh, 1735–1819, American political leader, physician, and scientist, b. West Nottingham, Pa. He studied theology, preached for a short time, and then was (1760–63)…

Wittfogel, Karl August

(Encyclopedia) Wittfogel, Karl AugustWittfogel, Karl Augustkärl aüˈg&oobreve;st vĭtˈfōgül [key], 1896–1988, German historian and sinologist, Ph.D. Univ. of Frankfurt, 1928. In the 1920s and early…

balsam, garden

(Encyclopedia) balsam, garden, common name for the species Impatiens balsamina, a member of the jewelweed family.

International Labor Organization

(Encyclopedia) International Labor Organization (ILO), specialized agency of the United Nations, with headquarters in Geneva. It was created in 1919 by the Versailles Treaty and affiliated with the…

Naoroji, Dadabhai

(Encyclopedia) Naoroji, DadabhaiNaoroji, Dadabhaidäˈdəbəhī närōˈjē [key], 1825–1917, Indian nationalist leader. The son of a Parsi priest, at 27 he became professor of mathematics at Elphinstone…

capital, in architecture

(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Types of capitals B. Parts of a capital capital, in architecture, the crowning member of a column, pilaster, or pier. It acts as the bearing member beneath the lintel or…

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Bukharin, Nikolai IvanovichBukharin, Nikolai Ivanovichnyĭkəlīˈ ēväˈnəvĭch b&oomacr;khäˈrēn [key], 1888–1938, Russian Communist leader and theoretician. A member of the Bolshevik…

Hausa language

(Encyclopedia) Hausa language, member of the Chadic group of languages belonging to the Afroasiatic family of languages. See Afroasiatic languages.